Thursday, June 19, 2008

Veggie Log

Behold, the shiitake log. I was doing some research today on shiitake mushroom nutrition and came across this very informational web site for the Lost Creek Shiitake Mushroom Farm and they sell shiitake logs!!!!

I have to admit I'm intrigued. I'm not exactly known for my green thumb so I'm always happy to see something that looks difficult to kill. From the growing directions, it sounds like I could put this in my sun room and forget it -- until harvest time.

Supposedly, log-grown shiitake mushrooms are more nutritious than sawdust-grown shiitakes, which is what is typically sold in supermarkets. So if you know a shiitake lover, consider sending them a log as a gift.

If anyone has ever had a shiitake log, let me know how you liked it.


Anonymous said...

I found your delightful blog when you wrote after me about your header problem. Vin totally fixed my header after I tried all the solutions and still couldn't get it to work. If you want, I can forward his solution to you.
Still, I'm glad I found your blog and I'll keep an eye out for your updates. I love the plate and the divisions. Makes it so easy to figure out!

Bettina RD said...

Thanks for the lovely comment. Fortunately, I fixed my header problem. I went in and changed the widget lock to =false and deleted the heading. That was such an odd bug.

I'm glad you enjoyed the plate method. Yes, it's such an easy-to-follow and fun-to-eat method for healthy eating.

Inder-ific said...

Omigosh, this has got to be the coolest thing I've ever seen. I absolutely NEED a shitake mushroom log. I had no idea.